Three are some common problems/questions associated with the WICReset/iWIC utilities so this will act as a troubleshooting guide on how to resolve them. Common to both iWIC related (MacOS) WICReset related (Windows) WICReset (Windows 11 specific) Common to both Utilities (iWIC/WICReset) Q. “Query Rejected” error. A. Firmware upgrade is blocking WICReset over WIFI. Use […]
Articles Tagged: iwic
Mac OS :: Reset Tools
A Mac compatible version of the WICReset tool (iWIC) has now been released that now provides Mac users with the ability to read and reset their Epson printer waste ink counters. Systems Requirements MacOS version 10.7 or newer Intel based chipset (Not iMac compatible) Downloading The iWIC utility can be downloaded >> here << Note: […]