These are the dimensions for the most commonly provided tanks including in Printer Potty waste ink kits (not Printer Pads)
*Required [length/depth] indicates the amount of space to allow for tube fitting, venting, or full capacity to be reached successfully.
**Useable [capacity] indicates the volume available before you need to consider emptying the tank
Box 180ml
Capacity: 180ml (**Useable: 120ml)
Length: 13cm (*Required: 16cm)
Width: 10cm
Depth: 4.5cm (*Required: 6cm)
Box 350ml
Capacity: 350ml (**Useable: 250ml)
Length: 15cm (*Required: 19cm)
Width: 11cm
Depth: 5.0cm (*Required: 6cm)
Box 550ml
Capacity: 550ml (**Useable: 450ml)
Length: 20cm (*Required: 25cm)
Width: 13cm
Depth: 5.0cm (*Required: 6cm)