The WICReset utility has been released with a number of fixes and tweaks…
- Fixed console usage and added ability to reset waste counters from console.
- Fixed assistant error that allowed to run firmware downgrade process even when firmware is not available.
- Added ability to disable/terminate other Epson processes (Menu: “Support” > “Disable processes”) – See Below
Disable Epson Processes
This new function allows a user to forcefully terminate any processes that contain “Epson” in the process description. The intention is to provide a last ditch option that stops Epson related services blocking or interfering with WICReset functions such as resetting the waste ink counters.
Use of this function is NOT recommended and provided as a last resort.
Requires the WICReset tool to be run as Administrator. Once any WICReset related tasks have been completed, the computer should be restarted to restart all Epson processes terminated by the function and resume normal function.
This function is entirely at the end users discretion and no warranty against damage, etc… is provided.