With so many computer programs being infected as trojans, some other forum of virus and the like, there’s an increasing level of paranoia being built into Malware scanners and increasingly into web browsers.

As a result, we’re starting to see reports that were originally associated with the AdjProg utilities, being linked to downloads of the WICReset tool.

We’re looking at implementing a longer term solution that will remove this issue completely but in the short term, all downloads from the primary link:

(Redirects to: http://www.octoink.co.uk/_dlds/Octo-WICReset.zip )

…are checked before being made available for download, and do not contain any malware.


Continuing to Download/Run the Utility

Internet Explorer

  • From “View Downloads” window, locate the download for the reset utility and click “Run
  • Click on the “Actions” button
  • Click on the “Run anyway
  • Continue to install as normal..



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